Friday, March 16, 2012

Photo Tip - Angle of View

We are having a warm spell and so we Minnesotans were all outside today.  I was laying on the grass because that is a wonderful thing to be able to do in March - even if it is brown and dry - and was just struck by the beautiful shadows cast by the still bare trees on the neighbors wall and how great the kids looked as they ran around the grass with that beautiful blue sky above them.

So the tip for today is -  try taking your photos from a different than normal angle.  It adds interest and it's fun.

So, if the sun is shining where you are, grab the camera and get outside and lie in the grass a bit.  You'll be glad you did.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Children's Portrait Contest

In case you didn't get the information via my newsletter or Facebook page, here are the details on the Fresh Faces Portrait contest.  It ends on March 31st., and I'd love to have some more children to photograph, so give me a call/email.

Here's the link to contact me:

Here are the prizes:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Author's Portrait - Jerry Neren

How exciting it must be to see your work of 20 years introduced to the world.  I received this email today, from Jerry Neren, who's portrait I did a few months ago for the publicity on his first book "Once Upon A Time In Vietnam".

"Hi, Christy,  Well, a lot has been happening with my book -- and you.  For starters, please pick up a copy of today's Sunday Star Tribune, and inside the Variety section is the book section with a photo of me with your name underneath.  Your name is also appearing everywhere else my picture is appearing, on advance brochures as well as on the book cover itself -- as well it should, for you did such a beautiful job.  I hope you will be pleased.  Kind regards, Jerry"

Well, that's pretty exciting for me and I certainly didn't spend 20 years on Jerry's portrait.  Imagine how he must feel as his book is ready to hit the presses.  Here's a link to the Star Tribune article:
The Star Tribune

The book is a poem which follows the mental life of a young man as he experiences Vietnam.  The poem won the 2011 Pearl poetry prize and the book is being published by Pearl Books.  Jerry wondered how that experience would impact a young person and he explores this in this book/poem.  While this is Neren's first book, he has published his poetry frequently and received other prestigious literary awards.  

I believe the book will not be published until March, but you can pre order here:

Pearl Books

Barnes and Noble


Friday, January 13, 2012

Valentine's Day Portrait

These images were taken several years ago, but the topic is timely and I still love the photos, so I'll share them.  The images were taken as a Valentine's day present for their mom.  It was a secret and Dad and the kids left home in casual clothes headed to do the shopping as far as mom was concerned. They arrived at my house, changed to their dressy clothes and created these lovely portraits.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Senior Session At Home

While Shaunessy was visiting her grandmother, she came by to have her senior portrait taken.  We kept it relaxed and comfortable, using a lot of natural light and the structure of our house and yard for her backgrounds. Now she is back in California and her grandmother has some great images of this special time in her granddaughter's life.